- How do artists start working with commercial galleries?
- What does it mean to be represented by a gallery?
- How do curators “find” artists?
- How do artist-run spaces function?
- How do institutions commission works from artists?
The workshop is devised and hosted by Zoë Gray (curator, Witte de With) and Belinda Hak (business coordinator, Witte de With) and is part of Witte de With’s commitment to the professional development and mentoring of young artists.
The invited guests are arts professionals from across the Netherlands and include:
- Petra Kuipers (Motive Gallery, Amsterdam)
- Nico Feragnoli, Johan Gustavsson, Clara Palli Monguilod and Floris Kruidenberg (founders of 1646, artists’ initiative/project-space, The Hague)
- Zin Taylor (artist, born 1978 in Calgary, Canada. Lives and works in Brussels. His work appears in Witte de With’s current show Melanchotopia).
Workshop program
11:00-12:00 Introduction by Zoë Gray & Belinda Hak
(establishing the questions for the day)
12:00-13:00 Lunch for the participants
13:00-14:00 Interview with Petra Kuipers (gallerist)
14:00-15:00 Interview with 1646 (artists/curators)
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:30 Interview with Zin Taylor (artist)*
16:30-17:00 Conclusion
*On the same evening, at 7pm, Zin Taylor will be in conversation with Zoë Gray about his work. Public event, open to all, in Melanchotopia epicenter (3 rd floor Witte de With)