KUNST NU is a crash course contemporary art organized by Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art and De Appel, and will start in September. Topics this year are 'Art and Activism’, 'Art and Ecology’ and more. The speakers include, among others, Nathalie Hartjes, Quinsy Gario and Ingrid Commandeur.

KUNST NU will have you gain insight into the history and context of the visual arts in an accessible and factual way. The course provides clear information and many storylines and anecdotes framing current trends in contemporary art. The approach is not chronological but thematic: the course is based on current concepts and questions in contemporary art and exhibition practice.

The speakers are professionals - artists, art critics and exhibition makers - and therefore don't consider art from a distance, but are part of the art wold. They monitor new artistic developments and make you part of their insights, preferences and insider knowledge. Participating in KUNST NU does not require prior knowledge of the subject matter. KUNST NU is open to all who want to find out what’s happening in art today.

Price: € 250,- (€ 40,- discount for Club Witte de With members)

If you are interested please let us know by sending an email to reservations@wdw.nl. The course is in Dutch.


Cursus location: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art
Times: 7 - 9 pm

Art and mass culture

Nathalie Hartjes
Director MAMA
Tuesday 12 September 2017

Art and postcolonialism

Sara Blokland
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Art and technology

Arie Altena
Editor V2_ and Sonic Acts
Tuesday 10 October 2017

Art and activism

Quinsy Gario
Artist & activist
Tuesday 24 October 2017

Art and ecology

Zippora Elders
Curator & art historian
Tuesday 7 November 2017

Art and critic

Ingrid Commandeur
Art critic
Tuesday 21 November 2017

The course evenings at De Appel in Amsterdam will take place on 14 & 28 September, 12 & 26 October and 9 & 23 November.