Brian Holmes
Brian Holmes

Brian Holmes is an art critic, activist and translator, living in Paris, interested primarily in the intersections of artistic and political practice. He holds a doctorate in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of California at Berkeley, was the English editor of publications for Documenta X, Kassel, Germany, 1997, was a member of the graphic arts group ‘Ne pas plier’ from 1999 to 2001, and has recently worked with the French conceptual art group ‘Bureau d’Études’ .

He is a frequent contributor to the international listserve Nettime, a member of the editorial committee of the political-economy journal Multitudes (Paris) and of the art magazines Springerin (Vienna) and Brumaria (Barcelona), a regular contributor to the magazine Parachute (Montreal), and a founder, with ‘Bureau d’Études, of the new journal Autonomie Artistique (Paris). He is the author of a collection of essays, Hieroglyphs of the Future: Art and Politics in a Networked Era (Zagreb: Arkzin, 2003) and has just finished a special issue of Multitudes on Art contemporain : la recherche du dehors.