Fabienne Hendriks
Fabienne Hendriks

Fabienne Hendriks (1996) is part of the new generation art teachers. She just finished the Willem de Kooning Academy, Cum Laude. Her research called U BEVRAAGT Fabienne which was nominated for the Drempelprijs 2018 in category Autonomous Practices. Being a teacher in Fine Art & Design gives her the unique possibility to observe and reflect with people about subjects that are unexpected, contemporary and personal.

The teacher’s visual appearance is considered to be a starting point for the research of the relationship between student and teacher. Hendriks adapted her visual appearance weekly, based on interactions with her students. The clothing items that are shown in the visual end work of U BEVRAAGT Fabienne (YOU/U QUESTIONED Fabienne) are worn by Hendriks herself during her art classes at a secondary school at the Southside of Rotterdam. In order to reflect on these process, Hendriks has made a literary publication which is an interview between U (You/U = visual appearance) and Hendriks herself.