Hans Ausloos
Hans Ausloos

Hans Ausloos (b. 1969, Tienen) is a professor in the department of Biblical Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium, where he teaches several courses on the Old Testament. In 1997 he defended his doctoral dissertation, titled Deuteronomi(sti)sche elementen in Genesis-Numeri. Een onderzoek naar criteria voor identificatie op basis van een literaire analyse van de epiloog van het ‘Verbondsboek’ (Exodus 23,20-33), at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) dealing with the characterization of the so-called deuteronomic language within the literary corpus of Genesis–Numbers. In line with the Louvain tradition, he also has become increasingly involved within Old Testament textual criticism. Since 2010, he is Chercheur qualifié of the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS).