Henk Oosterling
Henk Oosterling

Henk Oosterling (1952, NL) teaches dialectic philosophy, French differential philosophy, intercultural philosophy and philosophy of the arts at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Erasmus University Rotterdam since 1985, and he is an Associate Professor since 2001. Oosterling has published several books, including: Door schijn bewogen. Naar een hyperkritiek van de xenofobe rede (Kok Agora, 1996), Chaos ex machina: Het ecosofisch werk van Félix Guattari op de kaart gezet (CFKj1, 1998), Radicale middelmatigheid (Boom, 2000) and Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics (Lexington Books, 2011). His last two publications, Woorden als daden (JapSam Books, 2009) and ECO3. Doendenken (JapSam Books, 2013), describe the eco-social projects and relational philosophy of ‘Rotterdam Vakmanstad/Skillcity’, a bottom-up research model for urban revitalization and renewal which implements ‘sustainable craftsmanship’ in the vocational education in Rotterdam. Oosterling received the Laurenspenning for his important role and contribution to the social and cultural life in Rotterdam in 2008, as well as the Erasmuspenning in 2010, the Van Praagprijs for his entire oeuvre in 2013 and the Enlightened Society Award from the Tibetan Shambhala movement in 2015.