Kamini Vellodi
Kamini Vellodi

Kamini Vellodi is currently a lecturer on the MA Aesthetics and Art Theory programme at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP), Kingston University, London, and in the School of Art and Design History at Kingston University. She received her PhD, titled Tintoretto’s Difference. Deleuze, Diagrammatics and the Problem of Art History, from Middlesex University in July 2012, under the supervision of Éric Alliez. The thesis was a Deleuzian study of Jacopo Tintoretto, and a critique of art history, steered through Deleuze’s concept of the diagram. She is a practicing artist, and studied at Chelsea College of Art and the Royal College of Art, London. Her research is oriented towards the critical nexus between art history, the visual arts and philosophy, with a particular focus on the thought of the untimely difference of artistic practices beyond their historicity, and notions of temporality that can support it.