Matthew Schum is a writer based in Los Angeles. His curatorial projects include: Bosco Sodi, Malpaís, Paul Kasmin Gallery, West Hollywood; Itasca, Bindery Projects, St. Paul; Five Artists, David Nolan Gallery, New York; David Hartt, Interval; Eamon Ore-Giron, Morococha; Sanya Kantarovsky, Happy Soul; Mark Boulos, Antigone and the Gates of Damascus; Orit Raff, Priming; Patricia Fernández, Paseo de los Melancólicos; and Isabelle Cornaro, This Morbid Roundtrip from Subject to Object, LAXART, Culver City and Hollywood. Schum is currently editing an anthology for SALT, Istanbul, and a monograph on artist Mark Boulos with Forma Arts, London, published by Hatje Cantz, and has contributed to X-tra Art Quarterly, Mousse, Flash Art International, and Artforum. He has been a recent lecturer in modern art history at Otis College of Art and NYU Steinhart.