Naji Assi
Naji Assi

Biography Naji Assi (Beirut, 1969)
Naji Assi studied architecture at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA) and was awarded a C.E.A.A. for his Villes du Proche-Orient by the École d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville. He is currently working as a project manager at the Sabbag architects’ agency in Beirut, focusing on the rehabilitation of conserved buildings in the city center. Since 1997 he has been a lecturer for a course called Croquis-l’écriture des lieux at ALBA. He regularly takes part in seminars on urban research (vernacular architecture, Beirut’s staircases), and he has competed in the following bids: transformation of the lime factory in Alita, the sea terminal of Beirut’s harbor, the installation of individual cabins along the cornice of Beirut.