Raul Masu
Raul Masu

Raul Masu (Italy) holds a Degree in Electronic Music and a Diploma in Composition from the Conservatory of Music, Trento. He has attended several masterclasses in Composition and Computer-Music (Francesconi, Casserole di Scipio, Parker, Valle and others). He is currently research assistant in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science (University of Trento). His work is published in several international conferences in the fields of music, sound synthesis and human-computer interaction, notably in the Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. As a musician Masu works at concerts, and writes scores for film, and interactive sonic installations. As a live electronic performer he collaborates with a number of composers including Klauer, Graziani and Richelli. His compositions for guitar obtained the second prize at the Claxica Composition Competition. As a member of the SuperSantos design team he co-authored the video-game OHR, and won first jury prize at the CHIPLAY 2014 conference.