Sarah Kolb
Sarah Kolb

Sarah Kolb, art theorist and curator, is university assistant at the Institute of Art History and Art Theory at the University of Art and Design in Linz and doing a doctorate on Henri Bergson and Marcel Duchamp at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. After studying philosophy, physics, history of arts, et al. at the University of Vienna she was IFK Junior Fellow at the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies in Vienna (2005-2006), IFK Abroad Fellow at the collaborative research centre „Media and Cultural Communication“ in Cologne (2006-2007), curator at the Wiener Secession, Association of Visual Artists (2007-2008) and scholarship holder at the Duchamp Research Centre at the Schwerin State Museum (2011-2012). After numerous publications in the fields of philosophy and art theory she is currently co-editing an anthology on The Logic of the Imaginary. Diagonal Science after Roger Caillois.