Selçuk Balamir
Selçuk Balamir

Selçuk Balamir
A postcapitalist designer, commoning researcher, and climate justice organiser

I work at the intersections of creative production, radical politics and ecological transition. I specialise in strategic communications, community building and making social transformation irresistible. I helped develop the framework for “Climate Games”, a transmedia action-adventure event enabling peer-to-peer disobedience and Shell Must Fall, a grassroots campaign targeting shareholder meetings of the carbon major. I am among the initiators of the shared social housing projects NieuwLand, a postcapitalist urban commune, and de Nieuwe Meent, a cooperative entirely organised around the principles of commoning. I am graduating from my PhD in Cultural Analysis at UvA, on commoning practices in postcapitalist design. I am currently a BAK 2020 Fellow researching intersectional tools for political activation. People say I'm usually good at starting but quite bad at finishi——