Geboren 1980 te Brussel, België. Woont en werkt in Brussel en New York.
Ancart’s eerste solotentoonstelling was Sous les Palmiers, la plage, La Chaussette, Brussel (2011). Een aantal solotentoonstellingen: MoDiMiDoFrSaSo, VeneKlasen/Werner, Berlijn; Badlands, C L E A R I N G, New York; Tranches de savoirs, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York; Rise Rose Risen, The Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice (alle 2011); Displaced division, Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana; Out of The Box, The Emily Harvey Foundation, New York; What a difference a day makes, Andreas Grimm Gallery, Munich; Matériel Perdu, Ibid Projects, Londen; Lush Life, Salon 94, NY; Blood of a Poet, Thierry Goldberg Projects, New York; 11 Rivington Gallery, New York (alle 2010).