Walid Raad
Walid Raad

Walid Raad (Chbanieh, Lebanon, 1967) is a media artist and an Assistant Professor of Art at Cooper Union (New York, USA). His work includes textual analysis, videos, performances and photography projects. His video works include: Hostage: The Bachar Tapes, 2000; The Dead Weight of a Quarrel Hangs, 1996-1999, and Up to the South, 1993. His photography projects and performances include: The Atlas Group: Documents from The Atlas Group Archive, 2001, and The Loudest Muttering is Over: Documents from The Atlas Group Archive, 2001. His critical essays have been published in Public Culture, Rethinking Marxism and Third Text, and his media works have been shown at numerous festivals in Europe, the Middle East, and North America. Walid Raad is a founding member of the Arab Image Foundation.